Filling The Pig Simple Investing Personal Finance Book

Filling The Pig Simple Investing

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Investments


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Start Learning About Investments Today!

Confused about investing?  Not sure where to start?  Want to make more money and start planning for retirement? This book will simplify the investment landscape and show you how to get started today.

♦ You will learn about CDs, Money Market Accounts, Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, 401(k) and IRAs.
♦ Simple question and answer format to help you understand and evaluate each investment type.
♦ Will help you navigate and evaluate the risks associated with each type of investment.
♦ Helps you understand how you make money from each investment, and how each should be considered within an investment strategy.
♦ Will help you evaluate what type of investor you are.
♦ Covers key concepts and ten of the most common terms that can be used to evaluate any investment.
♦ Provides a simple process for the initial evaluation of stocks and mutual funds.
♦ Recommends “next steps” to learn more, including access to my online video tutorials.



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